Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to choose a business-writing training provider - Emphasis

How to choose a business-writing training provider How to choose a business-writing training provider Writing skills is a subject that many trainers claim to be able to provide. Heres our guide to sorting the wheat from the chaff. Writing analysis Its important always to build on what trainees know already. So a good provider should start by assessing documents that delegates have written and do so preferably in advance of the training course. (At Emphasis, we start by assessing 14 aspects of each delegates writing, producing a graph to show which skills they should concentrate on.) Its also useful if they can do the same after training, to assess the effectiveness of the training and pick up on any outstanding learning needs. Specialist trainers The fact that English is usually the first language of trainees does not mean that any English-speaking trainer can train them to use it effectively. Many trainers claim to be able to deliver writing-skills training. But you need to make sure that they have specialist skills in this area apart from experience of running training courses on the subject. To state the obvious: English may be our native language, but its still a language. So it demands specialist skills. After all, you wouldnt want to learn Spanish from a trainer whose only qualification is that they read a book on it last week. Flexible, solutions-based approach The objective of all training should be to give trainees the skills they need to work more effectively. It should not be simply to run a training course. Make sure, therefore, that the providers you choose can be flexible in their approach. They should be able to use a range of training techniques (eg. group-based training; one-to-one, on-site coaching; telephone coaching), so that they can adopt the methods most suited to the trainees needs and circumstances. Bespoke training Training needs to be authentic to work, as trainees need to be able to apply the techniques they learn to their jobs straight away, without having to translate it. So make sure that the provider you choose has the resources to provide bespoke training courses. Follow-up support The true test of training comes when trainees get back to their desks and have to plough through the 30 emails that have piled up while they were on the course. New techniques are easily dislodged by day-to-day workloads, and its all-too easy to slip back into bad habits. So ask what back-up the trainer can provide such as telephone/email support or regular reminders of key messages. If youd like to discuss how we can help you or your team improve your business-writing, call us on +44 (0)1273 936 907 or send us a message.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The critical analysis on the immigration laws and policies after Essay - 1

The critical analysis on the immigration laws and policies after September 2001 - Essay Example Though it might be surprising, as she has written this essay on an autobiographical mode at a very old age, it has to be admitted that she has described a wholesome collection of debates, which existed between her and her sister Mira.Bharathi’s longing for the same kind of earlier life is reflected in this essay. She has particularly analyzed the issue of identity, which many outsiders face in an alien nation. Her narration of her earlier students life appears quite reasonable. In the sense, the sister’s aim to complete their education and their identical way of living seems to be an understandable one when compared with the controversial thinking due to the manipulation of unfavorable changes surrounding the immigrants. When she writes, â€Å"When we left India, we were almost identical in appearance and attitude. We dressed alike, in saris: we expected identical views on politics, social issues, love and marriage in the same Calcutta School accent†. [p-415-416] . For example, when Bharathi writes, that she lacked the â€Å"structure† of her native lifestyle because of her involvement in the â€Å"superficial pop culture† she means to say that those aspects were the indispensable points, which in turn are not likely to be accepted by her sister Mira. She is able to underpin the features, which distinguishes the situation of an individual who struggles to precede her life amidst identity crisis and another without paying the least attention towards that.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critically evaluate and appraise that underpins public health practice Essay

Critically evaluate and appraise that underpins public health practice and policy - Essay Example We cannot afford to sit back and watch as health matters go astray (Steel 1987, p68). All medical practitioners from the management to the assistants have taken up seriously the matter of evidence research. There are many kinds of research, namely the randomized control trial, qualitative research, the survey and action research (Gomm & Davies 2000, p18). Evidence research is the form of research where the researcher builds his study around or based on an evidence or fact proven by an earlier conducted research. This is the form of research that is taking a toll in the current world. Nations are rooting for its development. It is relatively cheaper and faster. It encourages a chain of continuous discoveries and inventions. Strong promotion of the use of research evidence to underpin public health policy is currently ongoing. It is slowly but surely taking over from the evidence based medicine policy. In the UK, the body charged with the development of this new system of research is the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Evidence shows that the response to a similar public health intervention is very different between separate populations. Likewise, an intervention which generally improves a population’s health has the capability of increasing inequalities in health. In this regard, a government should not focus only on intervention’s average effects for it is likely to miss important differences. It is in fact argued that the approach of public health through evidence based research actually increases inequality bias. This is for instance the case when based on the fact that most people over the age of sixty die of cancer, the government responds by offering free chemotherapy sessions for this population only in its facilities. This creates an inequality bias on the other populations (Orme 2007, p28). It may even intensify the severely of the situation in the other

Monday, November 18, 2019

Crime and Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crime and Punishment - Essay Example t or whether, a complaint should be dropped due to lack of sufficient evidences or the unavailability of key witnesses whose depositions are important for framing charges against the alleged offenders. 2. The prosecutor is expected to inform victims of the pressing of criminal charges against the suspect(s), inform the rights of the victims, the availability of legal assistance in the event parties are not able to afford legal services, the dates on which Courts would take up hearing of cases, plea agreement, pre-trial diversion, changes in court schedules, and the date, time and venue in which sentencing would take place. (The Role of Criminal Justice System Personnel). A social construct could be said to be a social framework, categorization or grouping that envisages viewing of an individual, group or idea in terms of social or culture constructions. (Social constructs - Definition of key race relations terms, (2008). Social status, for one thing, could be said to be a social construct. It is often seen that in the US, the cases of discrimination while deciding criminal cases based on social status are quite large and disproportionate. The discretionary powers of the main players, including the prosecutors are immense and may allow scope for unfair treatment of process of meting justice of a social race or person with social background. (Klepper et al, 1983, P 55). It is seen that often prosecutors may dismiss a case on the assumption that if the case were pursued in Court, the judges would do likewise, and thereby, discrimination may be shown to certain races or classes of citizens which reflect on social constructions. The origin of these myths is from the media and vested groups who seek political mileage from spreading myths; community leaders reinforce them and law enforcement agencies who believe that crime needs to be punished, or criminal minds need to be corrected and modified to suit social and environmental requirements. As a prosecutor it is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Translational Heading Control of a Hovering Platform

Translational Heading Control of a Hovering Platform Translational Heading Control of a Hovering Platform using Multiple Control Logic The main objective of this project is to design an attitude control system of a nonlinear and unstable system, which is a Hovercraft, a machine that can move on the land or water, and it is supported by cushion that has high compressed air inside. Attitude control of the hovercraft is considered a major challenge because of the friction offered by skirt and the aircushion. The main idea of this project is the development of a wireless controlled hovercraft testbed connected to a computer. The proposed control strategy for the attitude stabilization will be based upon Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) and Fuzzy Logic for the comparison of transient response, steady-state error and input output constraints satisfaction by the user. Thus ensuring if any disturbances are inflicted on the hovercraft, the controllers will be able to maintain the desired position. The reference for the attitude control will be provided from the computer. The magnetometer will measure the attitude in real-time and controllers will be implemented on myRIO. TABLE OF Contents Declaration Final Year Project Acknowledgements Abstract CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Framework 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Scope 1.4 Report Structure CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Recent Study References 1.1 Project Framework The hovercraft is a fascinating ground vehicle that possesses the unique ability to float above land or water. Riding on a cushion of air endows the hovercraft with many interesting and useful properties. Unlike wheeled robots, which feature constrained kinematics, the hovercraft can move freely in any direction. For example, although the lateral direction of travel is not usually actuated, the hovercraft is completely free to move sideways. In addition, the Coulomb damping acting on a hovercraft is minimal. The translational and attitude control perception of a hovercraft can be protracted to many control uses. A hovercraft that can rotate and attains a desired position while being mobile at the same time is designed and developed using motors, H-bridge motor driver, battery, magnetometer and NI myRIO. The controllers are designed using the software NI LabVIEW, which are then compiled and burnt on a NI hardware myRIO. The purpose of the control is to estimate the attitude of the platform with the help of sensors. Thus resulting in the use of the attained information from the sensors to make the propellers rotate in the required direction to sustain or alter the position of the hovercraft. An angular position based on the response of the control will be provided to the magnetometer. The response of the control will be transmitted through the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control, which will either make the dc motors work clockwise or anticlockwise for the translation, and attitude control of the hovercraft. These values are then added and returned to the actuator, which requires this for the production a counter torque used to set the required position of the mobile hovercraft. Fuzzy Logic and PID controllers both will be implemented and used for this project where a detailed comparison will also be performed between the two using NI LabVIEW software and NI myRIO hardware. 1.2 Objectives The aim is to develop the proposed controlled strategy for the attitude and translational control of a hovercraft, which will be based upon PID, and Fuzzy Logic set with myRIO that will measure and compute the comparison of transient response, steady-state error, and input output constraints by the user and other key parameters. All the controllers will be designed in NI LabVIEW and implemented on NI myRIO. Development of a testbed based upon multi-rotor hovercraft. Control of translational and rotational movements through wireless link. Development and testing of PID controller for the attitude control of Hovercraft. Development and testing of Fuzzy controller for the attitude control of Hovercraft. Performance comparison (Transient response, peak time, settling time, steady-state error) of above mentioned controllers. 1.3 Scope The opportunities for gaining knowledge through this project will be: Using material available easily for the development of the mobile hovercraft. Translational and heading Control of the hovercraft using NI LabVIEW Using a magnetometer for the measurement of the incline along Z-axis. Understanding the working of translational and heading control and interfacing sensors at the same time. Using NI myRIO as the mainboard of the mobile hovercraft. Implementation of PID Controller on NI myRIO. Use of PID for the attitude control of the hovercraft. Implementation of Fuzzy Controller on NI myRIO. Use of Fuzzy Controller for the attitude control of the hovercraft. Measuring the Key Parameters (transient response, steady-state error etc.) of both the controllers. Performing a comparison between both the balancing controllers. 1.4 Report Structure As a summary, the flow of this report is briefly described below: Chapter 1: Introduction that provides the background, objectives and scope of the Project. Chapter 2: Literature review of the recent studies based on this project. Also contains a brief description of the different concepts used. 2.1 Recent Study Hovercraft is an air cushion vehicle, ACV, equipped for voyaging over land, water, mud or ice and different surfaces [1]. Many control techniques have been used to compromise for issues like computer torque methods [2], developed on the foundation of PID feedback [3] [4]. Optimal control [5], adaptive control [6], variable structure control (VSC) [7], neural networks (NNs), and fuzzy systems [8] are a few of the recommended control techniques. On the other hand, these strategies are only possible when the mechanical dynamic forces of the hovercraft are well known. A detailed study on the two above mentioned controller techniques i.e. PID and Fuzzy will be carried out for the control of the mobile platform. A hovercraft is not quite the same as other more ordinary, earthbound vehicle in that it requires no surface contact for footing and it can move unreservedly over an assortment of surface while bolstered ceaselessly on a self-produced pad of air. Researches have been made to concentrate the outline qualities and working rule of the air cushion vehicle, and utilize standard estimations to decide the lift powers required. The measurements of the air hole created are likewise computed particularly. The push powers required are enormously lessened because of the decrease in frictional strengths [1]. A famous inventor named Christopher Cockrell in 1955 devised the idea of hovercraft. It is a new means of transportation. The hovercraft is different from other transportation vehicles in a way that it has no contact with the ground and it rides on a cushion of air hence known as Air-Cushion-Vehicle (ACV). He carried out a set of experiments to observe and learn the force that an air jet could produce. Encouraged by the results he designed and made a simple hovercraft, which was a plate with a hole in the middle. A fan supplied the airflow through the hole lifting the plate off the ground. This design was far from optimal. The pressure of the fan was not used efficiently and obstacles in the surface were a problem. After this first design, the hovercraft has undergone a lot of development. British government provided funding for the development of hovercrafts because they saw possibilities to use it for military purposes. In 1959, the first hovercraft prototype crossed the English Ch annel. In 1962, a passenger service by hovercraft began. The largest passenger hovercraft in the world is used for the Dover to Calais crossing. It can carry 380 passengers and 40 cars. It can attain a speed of 70 mph (miles per hour), which makes it one of the fastest ferries in the world [9]. In a research paper the author, Michael McPeake discussed about the history of the hovercraft in 2004. The author discussed the very early hovercraft used named SR.N1. This hovercraft was considered the first real craft because most of the other hovercrafts at that time resembled the planes. The skirt size used on this model was 6 inches long and later to enhance the speed they shortened the skirt size to 4.5 inches and converting to gas turbine engines hence this doubled the speed of the hovercraft. In the book written by R. M. W. Sanders, the author used Electro Cruiser, an amphibious hovercraft as his experimental model. In order to analyze the hovercraft model, the author derived a dynamical model of the hovercraft with the Newton-Euler method. The author only conducted the simulation study and not tested the controller strategy with the real hardware [9]. The U.S Naval Army used the hovercraft in Vietnam. For two years, they used hovercraft against the Vietnamese guerrillas and for ground combat. The hovercraft model they used named SR-5. After the war, the last SK-5 became a showpiece at museum [9]. At the University of Moratuwa, a project was carried out in which they made a testbed to analyze the potential capabilities of a hovercraft [10]. The students at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign also have made a hovercraft testbed for Cooperative control [11]. From the study of paper Comparison between PID And Fuzzy Controllers Used In Mobile Robot Control, where a comparison has been performed between the concerned controllers, it is known that the main issue in the fuzzy controller is that it takes a longer time for computation as compared to the PID controller. The reason for this delay is due to the fuzzification of the inputs, calculation of the experiment through inference and defuzzification of the outputs [12]. In paper Amphibious hovercraft course control based on support vector machines adaptive PID, adaptive PID controller based on support vector machines (SVM) is applied in the course control of a hovercraft, but no comparison was performed using other controllers. This control technique demonstrates that the controller designed accomplishes high dynamic and enduring exhibitions, which brings another viable technique to take care of the issue of air cushion vehicle course control [13]. Other techniques like flatness based approach, dynamic feedback control and neural networks are applied as supplementary controllers to aid the PID controller by refining the forces against the turmoil [14]. Fuzzy Logic has been applied in the paper Fuzzy reasoning as a control problem, but no hardware experimentation has been performed. Fuzzy logic is commonly used for characterizing human speech terms into mathematical expressions for the controlling of a system. The steps taken to form the optimal rules for this logic are rather time consuming. Despite this drawback, this controller operates better than PID controllers due to their non-linear functions, which therefore lead to infinite advantages [15]. Although many comparisons have been performed over the years between PID and Fuzzy Controllers. The goal of this bachelor project is to set up a feedback controlled laboratory hovercraft using NI myRIO as a real-time controller. Apart from control, designing the electrical and mechanical system for this hovercraft is also a part of the assignment. [1] V. Abhiram, A Study On Construction and Working Principle of a Hovercraft, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 308-313, 2014. [2] G. B. G. a. T. N. M. Nafar, Using modified fuzzy particle swarm optimation algorithm for parameter estimation of surge arresters models, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 567-581, 2012. [3] J. J. Criag, Introduction to Robotics, New Jersey: Mass: Addison Wisley, 2004. [4] M. V. M. W. Spong, Robot Dynamics and Control, New York: J.Wiley Sons, 2003. [5] I. C. J. C. a. C. S. W.H. H. S.H. Chen, Design of stable and Quardratic-Optimal Static Output Feedback Controllers for TS-Fuzzy-Model-Based Control Systems, 8: 1, 2012. [6] K.-S. S. T.-H. S. L. a. S.-H. Tsai, Observer-based adaptive Fuzzy Robust controller with self-adjusted membership functions for a class of uncertain MIMO non-linear systems, International Journal of Innovative Computing and Control, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1419-1437, 2012. [7] J. Z. P. S. a. Y. Xia, Robust Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control for Fuzzy Systems with mismatched uncertainties, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 700-711, 2010. [8] O. D. a. .. H. H. S. C. Elmas, Adaptive fuzzy logic controller for DC-DC converters, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1540-1548, 2009. [9] M. McPeake, History of Hovercraft, Ms Giffen Tech High Senior Engineering, New York, 2012. [10] Project Hovercraft, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, 2014. [11] First-year engineering students get creative at IEFX Explorations, Urbana-Champaign, 2016. [Online]. Available: [12] N. P. a. O. C. C. Popescu, Comparison between PID And Fuzzy Controllers Used In Mobile Robot Control, Annals of DAAAM Proceedings, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 223, 2011. [13] Z. L. M. F. a. C. W. X. Shi, Amphibious hovercraft course control based on support vector machines adaptive PID, IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL), pp. 287-292, 2011. [14] H. S.-R. a. C. A. Ibanez, The control of the hovercraft system: a flatness based approach, IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. Conference Proceedings, pp. 692-697, 2000. [15] K.-Y. C. a. L. Zhang, Fuzzy reasoning as a control problem, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 600-614, 2008.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Physics Investigation of Stopping Distances :: Papers

Physics Investigation of Stopping Distances Aim === To investigate how a toy car's stopping distance is affected by its vertical height Hypothesis The greater an object's gravitational potential energy the longer it will take to cease all movement. This is because it will have more kinetic energy - and if we assume that the energy is removed at a constant rate by friction then the more kinetic energy an object has the longer it will continue moving Background knowledge This experiment will be looking at the transfer of energy from gravitational potential energy (gpe) to kinetic energy (ke) and the effect of friction on the loss of kinetic energy. gpe = mass (kg) X force of gravity (9.18N per kg on Earth) X the object's vertical height (m) This means that the more vertical height an object gains the greater its gpe is. Friction applies an opposite force to a moving object, which means the object will loose energy faster than usual. The greater the friction the faster the energy loss. Equipment Toy car, 2 wooden bards (1m long 40cm wide), metre ruler, several textbooks of equal size ('physics in action'), a set of scales Method 1. Record weight of car 2. Using the formula for gpe calculate the car's gpe 3. Set up the boards and books as seen below so that the start point is at the required height 4. Hold car at start point and release 5. Record the distance travelled across the flat board [IMAGE] Fair test variables  · Same equipment for each test - different cars will perform differently, different boards will give different amounts of friction  · Start point on board - if the car travels a different distance on the sloped board before it runs on the flat board than it will be affected by gravity differently and this will change the results  · The same person should release the car each time and in the same way

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Relationship between Inflation and Interest Rate Essay

Interest and inflation are key to investing decisions, since they have a direct impact on the investment yield. When prices rise, the same unit of a currency is able to buy less. A sustained deterioration in the purchasing power of money is called inflation. Investors aim to preserve the value of their money by opting for investments that generate yields higher than the rate of inflation. In most developed economies, banks try to keep the interest rates on savings accounts equal to the inflation rate. However, when the inflation rate rises, companies or governments issuing debt instruments would need to lure investors with a higher interest rate. The Relationship between Interest and Inflation Inflation is an autonomous occurrence that is impacted by money supply in an economy. Central governments use the interest rate to control money supply and, consequently, the inflation rate. When interest rates are high, it becomes more expensive to borrow money and savings become attractive. When interest rates are low, banks are able to lend more, resulting in an increased supply of money. Alteration in the rate of interest can be used to control inflation by controlling the supply of money in the following ways: †¢A high interest rate influences spending patterns and shifts consumers and businesses from borrowing to saving mode. This influences money supply. †¢A rise in interest rates boosts the return on savings in building societies and banks. Low interest rates encourage investments in shares. Thus, the rate of interest can impact the holding of particular assets. †¢A rise in the interest rate in a particular country fuels the inflow of funds. Investors with funds in other countries now see investment in this country as a more profitable option than before. Inflation and Interest Rates: Effect on the Time Value of Money Inflation has a significant impact on the time value of money (TVM). Changes in the inflation rate (whether anticipated or actual) result in changes in the rates of interest. Banks and companies anticipate the erosion of the value of money due to inflation over the term of the debt instruments they offer. To compensate for this loss, they increase the interest rates. The central bank of a country alters interest rates with the broader purpose of stabilizing the national economy.  Investors need to keep a close watch on interest and inflation to ensure that the value of their money increases over tim e.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Effects of Affluenza on Our Fragile Environment Essay Example

The Effects of Affluenza on Our Fragile Environment Essay Example The Effects of Affluenza on Our Fragile Environment Paper The Effects of Affluenza on Our Fragile Environment Paper This problem will cause the sea levels to rise and as a result thousands of homes will be underwater never to be lived in again. Affluent is usually described as an endorsement of the flow of wealth that causes a division of classes, and loss of financial, environmental and emotional balance. Graff, Wan and Anally, 18) In persons, symptoms Of affluent are addiction to work and anarchy; jack of confidence; hopelessness; a loss of enthusiasm and an artificial sense of power. Affluent may come with obsessive conducts. Affluent is prevailing throughout the world: in individuals who have assets. Affluent is an important reason of environmental change, scarcity of biodiversity and the heritage of leaving offspring. (Science Magazine, 29) _ Impacts of Affluent on Environment_ Defining and spreading impact of Affluent and environmental pollution on humans is the mission of this essay. Although this malady might once have been labeled stress or greed, studies demonstrate that the syndrome of Affluent is much more complex. It is related to many of the social and environmental problems that exist today, either as a cause, a result, or both. If this problem continues there will be serious consequences. Some of the impacts include tremendous cost of pollution cleanup and prevention. It also has a dramatic effect on natural resources in forests, wetlands and rivers are just a few of our natural resources. These resources perform different tasks. All are vital services for the Earth. They enhance air and water quality, provide habitats for plants and animals and provide food. Simply put we live of them o if we continue to damage our lifelines we will have a hard enough job staying alive never mind all the other jobs we have to do. According to Former Harvard Business School marketing professor David Shorten, The whole corporate system and the cause of globalization are increasingly geared toward bringing every country into the consumer system. Theres a very strong emphasis on trying to reach children to reshape their values from the very beginning to convince them that progress is defined by what they consume. (Science Magazine, 29) It is of great importance to understand the symptoms of Affluent: shopping ever, chronic stress, hyper commercialism, material boys and girls (marketing to and consumption by children), a rash of bankruptcies, fractured families, social scars (a loss of community), and global infection (socially and environmentally unsustainable practice). Dennis and Hamilton, 1 75) For each symptom, there are several examples, like, under global infection we learn that one fifth of the worlds people live in absolute poverty, that since 1 950 residents of the United States alone have used more resources than all people who have lived on earth before them, and that each citizen uses 20 ions of resources a year. Social columnist Jeremy Riffing says during the nineteenth century, consumption itself (tuberculosis) considered as a bad thing. A quick review of the notion of simplicity in culture describes the interest in simple living at the turn of the 20th century, the involuntary simplicity of the Great Depression, the post-World War II consumer boom fueled by government-housing and highway policies, the counterculture movement of the 1 9605 and 1 9705, and Jimmy Carters 1979 speech in which he criticized the increasing materialism of the society. But as Shih suitably observes, part of Jimmy Carters failure was his lack of recognition of how deep and widespread the consumer culture had become. (Dennis and Hamilton, 158) Although the attention devoted to voluntary simplicity is more extensive than that devoted to any of the symptoms of affluent, it only begins to give a feel for what a simpler lifestyle might entail. The researchers recognize that Affluent could only provide an introduction to voluntary simplicity and are at work on a follow-up program, originally titled Living Better on Less. As mentioned by Dennis, Th ere is absolutely no way everyone can live at our tankard of affluence. Consumption threatens to devour world resources within a single lifetime. (Dennis and Hamilton, 124) Attention to this issue will only increase in the future. When simpler, less consumptive lifestyle will be seen as a possible cure for the various problems and simplicity will grow as a lifestyle choice and as a social movement. According to a national environmental group, due to air pollution, probability is high that infants and kids will develop cancer in later years of their lives. Due to air pollution, toxic chemicals are mixed with childrens cereal and thus can cause cancer, but the overspent are not paying enough attention to this issue so far. Science Magazine, 29) Conclusion and Recommendation It feels that all kinds of environmental pollution can be reduced or ultimately stopped once and for all by controlling Affluent. Every individual must look at Earth as being someone or something really special to us. Look after this like a child. Love it and care for it as if it were your own. No one should trash it or take advantage of it. However if this problem of abuse towards our world continues it is inevitable that it will get back at us in the future. Perhaps owner rather than later, reducing or stopping pollution for the soul purpose of saving our Earth is a simple task. Everyone should get involved, rich or poor, healthy or sick. If more people take part in the programs already out there then it might not be too late. However someday in the future (maybe not in our lifetime) the Earth will decide it has had enough and that will be the end of everything, as we know it. If Earth dies it will surely take us with it. Just remember that when youre holding a wrapper or an empty can in you hand and there is no bin about that our fate is in our hands. As suggested by Scott Simon earth could support the worlds population at nearly our living standards if we revised many of our consumption and spending habits. However, some argue that even at dramatically reduced levels of consumption and increased levels of productive echo-efficiency, human population must be reduced to achieve a sustainable future. Many more argue that revising spending and consumption habits as the proponents of voluntary simplicity suggest will in fact destroy Our current standard of livi ng. The challenge that Affluent so nicely poses for the latter group is whether society should choose to emphasize quantity or quality of life.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Diffusion and osmosis essays

Diffusion and osmosis essays 1. a) Bulk movement is the overall movement of a fluid. The molecules all move in the same direction. Diffusion however is the random movement of molecules which usually results in a fairly even distribution. In other words the movement is not guaranteed to move in one direction but the probability that it will move in the lower gradient is greater. Osmosis is similar to diffusion but is differentiated by the membrane's behavior. The cell membrane does allow water to move from higher to lower concentrations but does not allow solutes do that. b) Water potential is the capacity of water to move to a from a region where there is high water potential to low water potential. This action happens without the affect of outside forces. When outside actions due occur and they give water a high potential energy than the water will move to the region where less potential energy is. Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure required to stop water the movement of water. This is a method of measurement. The osmotic potential is the measure of tendency of water to move through a membrane which contains a solution. This occurs when a cell does not allow a hypertonic solution to leave the cell membrane. The cell begins to increase with water but the cell membrane can not release the solution and thus the water potential within the cell increases. This causes the water to no longer enter the cell. c) Hypotonic is less solute to a certain amount of water. Hypertonic is more solute to a certain amount of water. Isotonic is the equal amount of solutes in two different solutions. d) Endocytosis is the inward bulge causes by incoming molecules. Exocytosis is the expelling of a material outside a cell. e) Phagocytosis is the process where the cell obtains solid matter. This is different from the pinocytosis where the cell obtains liquid matter. These both are endocytic processes. Receptor-media...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Racial Profiling (human Right) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Racial Profiling (human Right) - Essay Example President George W. Bush has promised that he would end racial profiling shortly after taking office but there has been no improvement. Despite this, there has been an increase in racial profiling and the study also showed that states law does not provide sufficient and consistent protection against profiling. An extensive research done by Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) showed that, national security is undermined when law enforcement uses racial profiling as a surrogate for criminal suspicion. Racial profiling should stop before it eradicates the crime fighting gain of the last decade especially in the inner cities. Whenever enforcement statistics shows high rates of minority stops and arrests, the anti-profiling activists usually makes police an all but overwhelming presumption. Racial profiling has been primary focusing on the highway stop and police has been accused of pulling over a lopsided number of minority drivers in order to look for drugs rather than stopping a spender next to him. The driver may have committed an infringement but the reason for stopping him is his race. (Mac Donald, 2001) Racial profiling causes distrust and tension between the police and the community and this in turn affects all aspects of criminal justice systems. One of the fundamental principles of democracy is a guarantee of all individuals to equal protection under the law. Despite this, there has been a steady decline in the crime rate in nearly every community in the United States for the past eight years. "Law enforcement officers should not endorse or act upon stereotypes, attitudes, or beliefs that a person's race, ethnicity, or national origin increases that person's general propensity to act unlawfully". (Mc Devitt, Farrell, and Ramirez, 2000). According to Mc Devitt, Farrell, and Ramirez, (2000), it is through data collection that law enforcement agencies should address concerns and allegations regarding discriminatory policing. Data collection of information on the nature, character, and demographics of police enforcement practices, enhances the ability to assess the appropriate appli cation of the authority and broad discretion entrusted to law enforcement. United States should have both effective enforcement and protection of the civil rights of all Americans. The U.S Department of Justice is set about developing a resource guide on resource guide on racial profiling data collection systems to encourage voluntary data collection. The American news media exploded with coverage of the racial profiling problem in the late 1990s. The local and national press had illustrated the individual and social costs of racial profiling. The community of color had been labeled the phenomenon with sarcastic terms such as "driving while black" or "driving while brown." According to survey that was conducted, it confirmed that most Americans, regardless of race, believe that racial profiling is a significant social problem. Gallup Poll released on 9 December , 1999 showed that more than half of Americans polled believed that police actively engage in the practice of racial profiling and, more significantly, 81 percent of them said they disapprove of the practice.1 According

Friday, November 1, 2019

History and development of international law Essay

History and development of international law - Essay Example Despite existence of the political, global and territorial differences the whole world is considered as a global village and such concept mainly enhances the idea of universal brotherhood. At the same time in the context of trade, cultural intercourse, the idea of globalization plays a major part. In this context it needs mentioning that no matter how much the globalization aspect seems positive and flawless but at the same time it includes several lacunas. In this global society also the superior nations are finding an opportunity to show their aggression, to inflict oppressive approaches towards the other nations, their people and their economy. The rate of crime has also increased to a great extent and most of the criminal, after committing the criminal deeds flee to other nations to seek shelter. As administrative system of a particular nation does not have the power to exercise the hold over other jurisdictions, the fear of being caught is reduced to a great extent for those cri minals. At the same time economic aggression is also taking a brutal shape. According to modern international treaties in the post World War II situation it has not been possible for the nations to exaggerate the power of politics to express their imperialistic mentality. Thus, those nations have adopted the procedure of economic aggression through which a superior nation can enjoy economic hold over the other nation through trade relationship. Thus, the importance has also been realized by legal scholars that there must be some kind of restraints that prevent one nation to become havoc over the other. These are some of the typical situation; rather problems at the international level that generated the emergence of this new discipline of legal jurisdiction: International Law. Legal and scholars of jurisprudence have attempted to provide definition of the International Law in different